Friday, August 1, 2014

This was the cover of my MFA Thesis book (which was an art of book) A few more from the book below...

There is a new portfolio link on the side  were there is a lot more of the work i did on this project.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The girl and the bear...

Still working on these , so these are still works in progress, but I'm getting there.  I have a bunch more in various states of finish (from very rough to about done) that will go up soon. Later

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Girl

I did these for my character blog, but figured I'de post it here too as it it related to other work Ive already posted.

Check out my other blog right here to see more characters (some existing characters some just random things off the top of my head)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Characters from my other blog!


These are a few of the characters from my other blog where I draw a new character everyday.  If you haven't checked it out there is a link over on the side... or right here!